Thinking of God

Thinking of How Much God Has Done for Me and Through Me…

When I think of you, my heart wants to sing, it wants to dance, the joy is overwhelming!
Your presence calms my soul, overfills my cup, my emotions overcome me!
Your smile warms my heart, puts a smile on my face, and fills my belly with laughter!
I can’t get enough of you! How can I walk away from you?
Your whispers bring me hope, your laughter makes me laugh, your love for me is so complete!
I want to sing to the sky at the wonders you created! I seem so small yet so important to you!
How can I live without your everlasting grace, daily joy and peace, knowing how much you have forgiven me!
Your wonders are astounding, so overwhelming, your majesty so revered!
You gave me a new life, one to start over, and everything I need to do the tasks set before me!
You equipped me with your armour, your strength and peace, and already won the wars before I even arrive!
I can only be certain of one thing in this life, and that is that I can completely trust you with all that I am, all that you have given me, and the lives of my family and self!
No one can compare to you LORD!
Who can be equal with the wonders of your hands? Who can change lives so dramatically as you? Who can love beyond human comprehension as you do, He who is love incarnate?
What can I say to come close to describe your glory LORD? What language can contain your splendor? Who can understand the vastness of your character? Who is wise enough to know your plans?
Yet, you reveal yourself to us, through us, and show your love in the most creative ways!
You romance the heart of your bride daily! You pursue her heart with the most gentile and jealous way!
My heart and life belong to you, since you loved me since I even existed! You have forgiven me for such hateful and evil things I have done, and paid the price I owed without me even wanting you to! You bore the nails I embedded in you! You wore the crown of thorns as a mark of honor as I forced it onto your face. You embraced the claws of flogging to empower me in your kingdom. You died while I spit in your face and cursed you. You rose again to make me a king in your court. Your ways are not my ways, and I am completely and eternally grateful for the love you gave me before I even knew you! You have shown your devotion so beautifully that I am indebted to you eternally, but not as merely a servant or beggar, but as God’s son, as a king, as royalty, and a prince. You made me honored instead of mocked, healed instead of beaten, whole instead of pierced, and fully alive instead of dead. The works of your hands, the creation from your words, your very creativity, beauty, love, and splendor courses through my entire being, not because I did anything to impress you, but because you love me enough that you made me in your image.
Father, Jesus, and Holy Spirit, I love you, and have all of my life to give to you. I am wholly devoted, eternally grateful, cognitively aware of the depth of your grace, and emotionally connected with you. You are my one true hero, my king, lord, saviour, friend, faithful companion, father, and lover. I could and would not want to be here without you. Thank you.


  1. What can we say if once the hidden forces of sympathy and love have been roused in us?

  2. Whether we’re Christian or not, we’ve all been taught the Golden Rule: “do unto others as you would have others do to you”. Jesus said it , in a positive restatement of something already in the Jewish oral tradition. When you mentally see yourself in place of those you act upon, the picture becomes clearer. Think like that, and you won’t be so eager to do in your main rival at work . We often pull up short when we feel in our own back the knife which we just started to twist into someone else’s. This is a good place to start: it’s something for us to measure up to. Yet there are some things the matter with the Golden Rule. There is, of course, the sado-masochist twist — someone doing unto others the torture he so craves from them. A more important problem, though, is that the Golden Rule keeps you in the center of it. No matter how many lessons you learn from trading places, they’re still your lessons, and it’s still your human capacity to love. This capacity is more like a dinner plate than a deep well, quite shallow when compared with the task at hand of living a loving and holy life.

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